Wednesday 24 March 2010

Evaluation for our music video

During the music video assignment I was in charge of directing the video shoot and acting within the music video itself. So I was involved every stage of the music video from filming the music video itself throught to the editing stage of the music video.

I contributed throughtout the whole project from doing my fair share of paperwork, right down to acting in the music video itself. I thought I did a ok job acting in the video but I did a better job of directing everyone else so that the music video we produced was of a good quality.

I learned alot about how to set up lighting within a location to create a really interesting look on camera during filming. As well as learning lighting skills I also further developed my directing skills by listening to the imput of my team mates while making shot decisions and camera placement which really helped during the final shots we used within the music video itself.

For the production stage of the music video we try to use as many interesting shots as possible to make our video visually interesting to look at. The cinematography we used was completely random as in I said the shots we needed for each location, the basics such as long shot, close up, and medium close up. And after we got these shots we tried to get a range of different shots like point of views and dutch tilts. For our editing I already knew as a director how I wanted the music video to be edited, I wanted the whole video to be drained of colour just like a chris cunningham music video. Secondly I wanted the editing to speed up and slow down in time to beat of the music which would make the pace of the video flow better and continue to be visual interesting. The mise-en-scene we used I think works for the video, We as a group went location spotting a week before production and found some really interesting locations that are very visual and interesting to look at.

I think the narrative of our music video works well and makes sense, and I think that we each managered to put across ideas together to make a really interesting music video that has elements of each of our own synopsis and treatments as well as following all the requirements of the breif we were given.

When we screened our finished music video to class who all fit between our target market age range the overall feedback as good. They all thought that our video was very visually interesting and they all liked our cinematography mainly the way used lots of point of view shots and close ups throughout the music video. They agreed that the editing was cleverly put together and that editing pace goes along with the audio track. The only negative feedback we got was that our narrative wasn't completely clear to the rest of the group and that in some parts of our video the shots we used didn't work or were sometimes over used instead. One of the members of the class mentioned that all the footage of the church was good and that they liked the way we lit the location to make the hero mysterious and quite dark. Another viewer liked the ending with the dis-used railway line. So overall the feedback was good for the music video.

What went well I think was that we all pulled together as a team and worked really hard to create a good music video that is visually interesting and abit different to everyother music video. The only thing that went wrong was compressing the video because we found it skipped some frames and added shots that we removed earlier to make up for the frames it skipped. Also we may have needed some more extra shots to fill up time within the music video, because after editing the video we discovered that we had less shots than we thought we did.

I think that our music video compares really to real music videos, I personally think that our music video is like that of the work of Chris Cunningham and one other member of the screened audience agreed with me. Our video is like that of "come to daddy" because it is washed out of colour like the Cunningham video and has fast paced editing like the "Come to daddy" video as well.

Areas that I think we can improve are making sure that we have plenty of footage to use instead of just reusing the same shot over and over again. And if we were do this project again I think the only think I would differently would be making sure that the narrative works better alongside the concept within the music video, As our feedback mentioned that we needed to explain the narrative better, so next time I will make sure I'm happy with the narrative and know it makes sense.

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